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Interview with Mrs. Lamia A.

Mrs. Lamia A. - Switzerland

"Care is the ingredient that keeps true friendships alive despite separation, distance, or time".

This proverb describe well the relationship between Hijab Scarf and Hijabs & Co. Though we may never meet in person we feel like sisters who can share common bond of sisterhood.
It is a bliss to live in the era when blogs bring all sisters around the world close at heart. Her background who raised and live from many cultures encourage us to know a bit more about her. We believe that the happiest business in the world is making friends.
So please introduce, Mrs. Lamia from Hijabs & Co.

1. Tell us about yourself?
I am just like another ordinary Arabic girls, my name is Lamia, 25 years old, I am from Switzerland, married to a wonderful husband. I like horse ridding, especially endurance race =)

2. When did you start wearing hijab and what is your biggest motivation?
Awhile ago, and nobody forced me to wear it. To be honest I was scared at first, especially when you live in a non-Muslim country. I remember one day I was reading the book of stories of prophets and their beautiful and pious wife, I was very touched. Alhamdulillah God guided me to wear it.

3. What is your biggest fear of living in a non-muslim country compare to your hometown?
I'm not afraid to live in a non-Muslim country, after all I'm used to it. I was born in France, grew up in an Arab country and after living in Europe, but something is unbearable for me is racism. Since the attacks on America, media speculation has pointed the finger at Muslims. A Muslim is portrayed to be a "terrorist", a "refugee", or a "militant", but seldom a real human being.

For example: in Switzerland Muslim women have no right to work with her veil, we don't have Muslim cemetery. Switzerland has banned the construction of minaret. We are obliged to buy meat from butcher because Switzerland prohibited to slaughter sheep, same the day of Eid Al-adha and of course banning the burqa.

4. What is the weirdest question regarding hijab you’ve ever got?
Hahahah, yes. Do you have hair under your hijab? Oh yes, and they are very long.

5. How do you cope living uncomfortably in a non muslim country?
What I explained on the 3rd question, can frighten a Muslim living in a Muslim country. But generally you don't feel insecure. Young people got more spirit than those aged. I am proud to be Muslim and proud to wear the veil, so I feel quite at ease. Several times, men and women stopped me in the street to tell me that my veil or my style was beautiful.

6. Some says that fashion and hijab does not go in the same line. Women should not beautify themselves when go out, such as wear make up, perfume or shoes that make a loud sound when they walk outside. What do you think about that?
I have always said that a woman can be fashionable but do dress with some modesty, do not fall into ridiculous dress and makeup. Wearing the veil is defined as an act of faith in the practice of Muslim worship, an object of value and a recognition for all women who wear it, for herself. Everyone has to respect this.

7. What kind of style that suit you best?
Parisian chicness is my style. ‘Chic, Comfort, and Covered’. If I am not comfortable then I will not wear it. The most important rule regarding fashion is to make you look great and of course to make you feel comfortable.

8. What do you think about muslim women in Indonesia?
As I mentioned on my blog, personally I think that Indonesian & Malaysian girls are the epitome of fashionable Muslim. I like their style, hippie chic. They also have a nice way to wear the veil, beautiful women, very gracious and know how to combined fashion and hijab. My most inspiration is coming from Indonesian girls and I love the way they put color on them. For me Indonesia is the future of Islamic fashion.

9. Describe your best feeling of wearing hijab?
Wearing the veil is one of the most beautiful thing. We must try our best we can to be an example of humanity and to honor this gift of hijab.

This is an article about Hijab Scarf, Hijabs & Co and Breathe Hijab from Canadian daily newspaper La Presse, "Le hijab a la mode".

Special thanks to Lamia
Digital Imaging : Mrs. Fifi Alvianto
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Copyright of HijabScarf Blog.


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